
Peer Productions are looking for a Treasurer to join our dynamic team of Trustees. The successful candidate will be someone who brings their expertise and passion to lead our close-knit team of trustees.

We are looking to fill this role as our outgoing Treasurer steps down after completing two terms of three years (he is currently in a one year extension to help recruit and support new Treasurer as they come on board).

Based at Peer Place in Woking, Peer Productions’ vision is to use theatre to change young people’s lives. Founded in 2006, Peer Productions is an award-winning youth arts charity specialising in combining high quality arts practice with peer education. This year we will reach 15,000 young people across the South-East of England, enabling them to change the way they think and to make positive life choices. Our work is made with, by and for young people.

We have developed a unique approach whereby young people are at the centre of every stage of the creative process. We use peer education and theatre to empower three separate groups of beneficiaries: young peer educators, disadvantaged project participants and young audience members.

We invite you to visit our website to read more about our work and our last annual report, and to follow our social media channels to learn more about our work.


Freelance facilitator (Generation Guys)