Hidden - Mental Health Resources

 Support Information:

Below you will find a list of websites which we recommend. Please note Peer Productions are not connected to these sites and are therefore unable to update them or edit them.

www.selfharm.co.uk - This is a website developed by someone who used to self-harm. It provides lots of support and information including access to ‘Alumina’ which is a 6-week online programme to help you overcome self-harm. You can self-refer.

www.youngminds.org.uk - Young Minds are a charity which focus on young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. Their site includes downloadable information leaflets on a range of topics, including self-harm, aimed at both young people and adults.

https://www.childline.org.uk - Childline provide support to young people who have concerns about themselves or their friends. They are trained listeners who will never break you confidentiality and will never judge. They are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can either call them on 0800 1111 or you can talk to them online at www.childline.org.uk

www.nshn.co.uk - National Self-harm Network is an online forum which aims to support and provide information for individuals who self-harm and their families and empower and enable those that self-harm to seek alternatives to self-harm and further help where appropriate.

https://www.kooth.com/ - Free, safe and anonymous support

www.riseabove.org.uk - Rise Above is an NHS developed young people’s website designed to build emotional and physical resilience on a variety of issues.

www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk - Self Injury Support (formerly Bristol Crisis Service for Women) is a national organisation that supports girls and women affected by self-injury or self-harm. They have carried out extensive research with women who self-injure, and through their work they have developed a deep understanding of the reasons individuals harm themselves and of the things they may find helpful or supportive. They also have a wide experience of the concerns and needs of workers in different settings and disciplines, and in developing good working practice.

https://stem4.org.uk/ - Supporting teenage mental health

https://www.orcha.co.uk/ - Orcha work with organisations to empower people to actively use & embrace digital health.

www.thesite.org/mental-health/self-harm - thesite.org is the online guide to life for 16-25 year olds in the UK. They provide non-judgemental support and information on everything from sex and exam stress to debt and drugs and have specific pages related to mental health and self-harm.

www.inourhands.com -Dr. Pooky Knightsmith’s own website providing details of her accessible mental health training for schools, parents and students.

https://www.cwmt.org.uk - Charlie Waller Memorial Trust website with support and further information about depression and related issues including self-harm.

https://www.youtube.com/user/pookyknightsmith - Dr Pooky Knightsmith’s YouTube channel with new videos weekly, has practical ideas on how to support young people and their mental health.

https://www.nhs.uk/apps-library/category/mental-health/ - NHS have gathered a list of Mental Health Apps which may be beneficial for any of your young people who are struggling with their mental health.



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